Tuesday, January 18, 2011

See You Later!

I am writing my last blog. Yes, my last. I am writing this last blog while watching reruns of Sex and the City on E! (who ever said that this isn't a perfect world?). While I am sad to not be writing my blog anymore, I hope to say that this isn't a total goodbye. Goodbyes are way too final. This is a See You Later!

I will leave you with a few last words of wisdom...well, funny little lines. I can't say they are all wise.

- Shoes will never talk back to you or make you upset. Make room for more in your closet. There is always room for more.

- Mohitos are always healthy, they have a plant in them.

- Everyone said that Anna Nicole Smith was dumb, she wasn't dumb

- Long Island Iced Teas, you only need one but two are more fun

- Never use your kitchen or gas range to heat your home - That tip is from Con Edison of New York. Thanks for stating the obvious Con Ed.

- Kim Kardashian has given some great advice - "Girls are easy to please. Just give them attention!"

- Dating is a must, especially if you live on a budget and starving is in your near future

- Shopping might be a habit, but hey, it's not drugs!

- Take a chance. One of my favorite quotes - "What would you do if you could not fail?"

And...since this isn't a goodbye, I will use one of the greatest See You Later quotes known to me in my history...

"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."

-- Carrie Bradshaw, Finale of Sex and the City (the Show)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bachelor Brad "I'm A Dork" Womack

Tonight, while suffering through the Bachelor, I took out a few funny things that I am just noticing now. Sorry, I had the first episode on last week however I zoned out.

Brad and some chick in a really pretty dress and some expensive necklaces danced the night away to Train. Brad said, in his cheesy Southern accent that he "couldn't think of anything other than holding" what's her name "really close." Barf

The chicks fighting tonight should have just hauled off and bitch slapped each other. Other than crying to Brad I would have rather seen wrestling. They both should have known that they were getting kicked off anyway and just gone balls to the walls.

Also, about the chicks fighting... The one was a "Manscaper." How do you really get that job title? I have nothing else to say about that, the title says it all.

Also, about more chicks fighting... this is the Bachelor. This is why I tune in. The info button on my program guide suggested that "tensions escalate between the bachelorettes." No shit. This is why they have to write NEW under the info section or we would have all thought it was a re-run.

Tune in next week to see.... More chicks fighting. Don't tell me that you were surprised.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

No Pants Problem

Today, when I was in the subway in Union Square trying to get uptown to watch the football game, I noticed something very odd. There were a bunch of people in the subway lacking pants. They were in their underwear... in 30 degree weather. Guys, girls, big, small, tall, and short. Quite gross and unnerving. Apparently, it is to show support for the subway system. I'm sorry... I don't support the subway that much. There is no way that I would waltz around the city and place my naked bum on the seats of that dirty train. No way. I do not support that at all. I didn't sit for the entire subway ride.

In the confusion and during my rush to the train, there was a guy - in pants - yelling "Blondie" 5 times in a row. I completely forgot that I am blonde now and turned around just before I was to go down the stairs. He yelled from far away "Hey Blondie, you dropped something." I looked at my purse and decided I wasn't going back for whatever it was. Too many crime dramas and warning emails have been sent about this stuff. He finished his rant with "My heart!" and a cackle. What a funny pickup line. It would have been even better if he wasn't wearing any pants.

Back Pedaling

How often do you say something or do something that you wish you could take back? We all do it every once in awhile. After seeing this video, it is obvious that Robin Kassner wants to take back her crazy actions on The Millionaire Matchmaker.

When I was watching the show it took all I had not to turn off the television. Her giggling and hair twirling made me want to vomit. She went for the "super hot" guy rather than picking the guy who was actually interested in her and seemed interesting. Obviously, that didn't end in marriage.

After her crazy antics on the show, she is now back pedaling so that she paints her perky pink self in a different light....not crazy. Check out her video from Guest of a Guest and see for yourself - still annoyingly perky and pink.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be Your (Fabulous) Self

What do you do when you actually like a person? Normally, I am not in that situation...ever. I usually pick a person apart or find something wrong with them after the second date. Okay, I'm lying...the first date. So now, that I actually made it past the second date and still haven't found anything wrong with the guy I am finding that I do not know how to behave.

I am not my cool, aloof, ignorant self. I text him whenever I think of him or find something funny that I want to say to him. I call him before he calls me. Before, I would have waited for him to obnoxiously text me and then not message him back. A guy would have called me and I would have avoided answering because I didn't really care to hear what he had to say. Thankfully, he returns my messages and answers my calls.

Since I didn't want to come off as a crazed girl, I mentioned that I wasn't really sure what to do or what I am supposed to do when I meet someone that I think is a good person and that I like. Unfortunately for me that is rare (I'm not saying that all of the boys I meet are bad people, they just aren't for me). He responded with one of the most insightful answers that I have heard in a long time. He said "Just be yourself. That's all I ever ask because I don't want to get to know some other person, I want to like you for you."

He just gave me a free pass to text message him all day :) I think we should all listen to him, and not because he's charming but because he's right. Just be your fabulous self! (I added the fabulous part because that's right too).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

BBD Problem

I was catching up on my Millionaire Matchmaker (yes, I know I am behind!) and I was watching the show where she mentions a "BBD Problem." This is a Bigger Better Deal Problem. We are always looking for the Bigger Better Deal. I get that it is a problem to always be looking for something bigger and better but is it always bad?

If you already have a great life that is hard to top, you should just be happy and thankful with what you have. However, if you feel that you want more to make yourself better (not talking about material things here) go out and get it! Get more education, get a better outlook on life, get a bigger personality.

However, if you are the guy that I am watching on the Millionaire Matchmaker, quit your BBD problem. He runs after 3-4 months once he finally gets a girlfriend because he thinks he can get a bigger and better deal. Dude, this is why you are single. I know that Patty already told you about this but I am repeating it because anyone who actually dates you is already a better person than you. Stop looking for the BBD because you aren't gonna find it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Effects Of Red Bull

Last night while ringing in the new year, I decided to start with a drink that would ensure that I would be staying awake for the entire night. Since I have been known to sleep at bars (hey, I get tired) I ordered a Red Bull and Vodka for the first time.

The drink was completely disgusting....but I drank it anyway knowing that I would need to be awake for quite a few hours. An hour later I was jumping around the dance floor like a bouncy ball. I was wide awake at 2 am when eating mac and cheese at Cafeteria. Even when I woke up at 8 am, I felt like the Red Bull was coursing through my veins and my heart was pumping a mile a minute.

What a way to bring in the new year - Overly excited and hopped up on sugar and caffeine!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve Resolutions

I have this amazing email that comes to me every day of the week and sends positive thoughts my way (The Universe - www.tut.com). When I was thinking about my New Years Resolution I was wondering what I should be thinking about changing for 2011 or what more I could really want that I didn't have in 2010. Then, I read my email....

It said to "Give thanks that life is...just as it is (and that its been...just as its been).

There is no need to make a resolution or a wish for something you don't have in the new year. Just give thanks that you have what you have in this present moment and that you are so lucky to be here and have the friends and family that you do.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Shopping Van

I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday. One of my favorite things to do over this time of year is go shopping (I enjoy it every other time of year too but that is besides the point). A few days after Christmas, I got to go antique shopping in Pennsylvania. Since we like to buy a lot of things, we need a large vehicle in which to haul around, well, our haul. The pictures below show a van, that has been raised up quite high, to jump over parking medians and go off-roading if the store ends up being somewhere off of the beaten path. This is the Shopping Van. This is the most amazing van that I have ever seen.

** Note the step stool needed to get into the Shopping Van.

**Also note, the humongous tires.

This Shopping Van was originally intended for hunting wild animals. Does hunting antique dishes and furniture count? I think so.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I arrived home last night to be thrown into the holiday festivities within just half an hour. Since returning to Pennsylvania, I have had wine, cookies, wrapped gifts, and even "helped" with the Who Ham. By "helped" I mean taste tested... same with the cookies.