Thursday, October 14, 2010

This Is A Stick Up

As I was on my walk home from work tonight (yes, that's why I haven't been writing because I have been working so late) I was thinking about what to eat for dinner. There are always 3 options - make it myself, order good in, or find a date to take me out. Obviously, as you can see from the name of my blog, I didn't want to make dinner myself but I had ordered in last night and persuaded my date to do feed me before we did drinks the night before that. What was I going to make? I had nothing in my fridge.

At that very moment I saw a cute guy, a little scrawny, walking across the street. You think I asked him out? Wrong. I was seriously wondering how I could get away with mugging him. He was carrying a microwave - something that I don't have but obviously need. I never tend to be a violent person but I honestly considered all of the ways I could just trip him, make him drop the box, and then pick up the best invention ever made and run away with it, all without too many people seeing me. I wasn't a suspicious looking girl but when you are running with a microwave clutched to your person I am sure you will draw a but or attention to yourself.

When I got home I popped a mini pizza in the oven. I should have just jumped the guy...the pizza would have been done in 2 minutes and not burned in 10. Bon Appetit!

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