Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

Tonight I was having dinner with my girlfriends and we were chatting about the types of qualities that we want in a guy. Qualities such as politeness, cuteness, sincerity, and sense of humor came up, among many others. I ended up saying that I wanted the "Kitchen Sink" in a man. Then I wondered out loud...where in the heck did that phrase come from?

Who really wants anyone with a kitchen sink? Is their sink full of dirty dishes or is it spotless? Nobody likes to do dishes. Does it have one of those cool sprayers? They are always fun. Is it metal, ceramic, or another material? It is like saying that you want a guy with a full Refrigerator, really. Really? You have to make sure he is at the right temperature or everything inside him will go bad. Are you still sure you want a a guy like a refrigerator?

Personally I would like a guy with an Oven Range. He also better know how to cook on it or I am screwed.

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